The film is titled "I am god" for its depiction of an Aghori ascetic Rudra (Arya) whose father abandoned him in Kasi, and later came to find him again, only to discover Rudra utterly emerged in the Aghori sect, distant and unable to form human connections. Regardless, his guru allows Rudra's father to take the ascetic back to their Tamil Nadu home, where the mother is understandably distraught at the sight of this creature. Slowly the movie shifts towards telling the story of a group of beggars with various disabilities, one of whom is a blind girl Hamsavalli (Pooja Umashankar). They beg outside the temple Rudra eventually takes residence in, wasting away his days smoking ganja.
The cast of characters being so underprivileged, begging for a ruthless boss, is quite hard to watch, but Bala's depiction of them never feels downright exploitative. These are characters with humor, with agency, with courage to challenge even the ones they ask money from.

Rudra's character is somebody who I couldn't quite figure out until I read a thing or two about the Aghori ascetics. Like most Bala main characters, he is essentially an outsider without his own choosing. He is completely removed from society in the traditional sense, and from human relationships; he has enveloped god and has become Kala Bhairava (fierce manifestation of Shiva). He is extreme in every manner imaginable, in his talk, in his stance, in his lifestyle. He acts not like how I'd imagine a god would, but certainly with the bravado of one. I'm glad the story shifts away from him because he's not at all relatable as a character, though he is fascinating.
What is God? Well, Rudra claims he is God, but he is also a very particular sort of God. What struck me as weirdly radical was the absolute lack of care he has for humans, or human suffering. He is detached from all this to the point of absurd, and since the film doesn't really doubt his deity (though characters in it do), one is left to ponder, is this what God is? Blind to the suffering of his worshippers?

The soundtrack is a hauntingly beautiful one by Ilayraja, and the film is also punctured by Tamil oldie songs popping up every now and then during the first half, which I thoroughly enjoyed even though it harkened back to one scene in Pithamagan a little too much.
I hesitate to call Bala's films realistic, because the word has so many meanings. Is realism what could happen in real life, or what does? I feel like that no matter what awful based-in-real-life things he rolls out for people to see, the undercurrent is always a little fantastical and melodramatic. At the same time, I can only really blame my own psyche for thinking that the more grim and horrible Bala's films become, the more grounded in reality they actually are.
If you're a fan of Bala's, like I am, you've probably seen this by now. It's a tough film to recommend, but it's also a tough film not to recommend. Definitely won't be everybody's cup of chai but I liked it a lot. It's rare to see film-making this potent, or stories of this kind, period.
And since I feel like I can never quite do justice when talking about films of this sort, some further reading for those interested: The Hindu review [spoilers for the film] - Qalandar's review [note: contains spoilers for another Bala film, Pithamagan]
*** Photo note: The first picture is a pre-shooting promo still. The latter two are more representative to what the film looks like. But I liked the first picture so much I had to post it anyway.
I was initially very interested in the film but, kind of lost it due to the delays, caused by changes in personnel. I was hoping that the film was going to throw some insights into the Aghora path, which I had been reading about at the time.
Reviews, when it released, just dwelt on its dark aspects, rather than on this controversial spiritual path, so, I forgot about it.
Your review has piqued my interest so, many thanks for posting.
I wonder if Bala's next will full of slapstick comedy?
No problem! I hope you see it anyway (and if you aren't able to buy it, most of it is on youtube with subtitles), because it's very interesting and a little harder to piece together than other Bala films. Some would say that's a bad thing, others say they love the film for it. I appreciate the thought-provokingness of it but I think I still prefer Pithamagan - I like a little humor amidst the darkness.
I think it portrays the Aghori sect very in an interesting manner but it doesn't necessarily get inside the main character's head or anything.
Nice post! I love that you watched this on Valentines Day. :) The post title caught my interest right away. From your description, it's as if Rudra is set up as a sort of Deist "god" who is removed from human affairs. I knew nothing of the Aghori sect before reading your post so thanks for the link! Though I still wonder what the message of Naan Kadavul is meant to be. Slice of life? The pitfalls of religious/philosophical extremism? I guess I'll have to watch it and find out! :)
I loved that I watched it on Valentine's, too. So appropriate.
Rudra seems like a "typical" Aghori based on what little I know but the film is a puzzle as to whether he is a god, what that says about god in general and all these things.. Very thought-provoking.
It's on youtube w/ Eng subs, most of it, but the last part is subless (though people in the video's comments explain what they are saying in the last scenes).
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