I'm as embarrassed as I am amused. But now I feel like I should put this new-found publicity into good use.
Dear Yash Raj Films,
It was thanks to me that your latest production, Tashan, was mentioned in the prestigious magazine Tehelka. If you would like to pay for my continuing promotional effort for this movie, I accept cash, PayPal and Saif.
Last method of payment preferred, but I could use the money, too.
You are most welcome.
And now, a random picture of Aftab and his bachelor philosophy in life:

Your posts are so genuinely Indian I have a tough time to believe you are Finnish.
Nithin - I will take that as a compliment. And I assure, I am 100% Finnish. :)
I will be in Helsinki on 17th and 18th. Do you want any rare DVD or sumthin from India.
Assuming you live in Helsinki and have no prob meeting an absolute stranger who also is a movie buff of recent movies.
Hey, I'm honored you'd want to meet me based on only a few blogposts but I'm afraid I'll be out of town that weekend and I'm not sure if I'm comfortable to meet up with a complete stranger. :)
Enjoy Helsinki, though, hope the weather is nice when you arrive.
teehee and there you are again :D
I found your site through an article in One magazine. Good stunt. We all know you're Indian only but it's good to pretend to be firang to garner publicity. Lekin jaisa kehte hain you can't fool all ppl all the time. well enjoy all the publicity in filmimags for now. makes for fun reading .but just to tell you, we know ;-).
btw how we know is there are hints everywhere on your pretend website where you slip and real identity becomes obvious . be more careful, heeehee.
veracious -- I'm loving your new (well-deserved) fame!
And I think it is sooo funny that people are accusing you of really being Indian and not Finnish. Quite the compliment, indeed. :D
Maybe you should answer them in Finnish...
I never thought I'd one day have to try to prove to somebody that I am, in fact, not Indian but Finnish. I talk about Indian films - that is about as 'Indian' as my posts are, really. What should I do, cite Kalevala in my tuulipuku while drinking salmiakkikossu and occasionally break out singing the theme song of Muumilaakson tarinoita or re-enacting Seitsemän veljestä?
Suomalaisuus on ihan suuri ylpeydenaihe but if I was Indian, I would be honest about it. :)
give them more dishoom dishoom girl. Those doubting Thomases, my countrymen, they love conspiracies.
thechasingiamb - Thanks for your support. Conspiracies are pretty intriguing, I'll admit, but not to be taken seriously. :)
Nithin, Anon, take a look at this.
There are bollywood fans in other countries too...
Typical Indian mentality to put down others. Only an Indian can think(and wrongly)about cheating people through blogs.
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