What went wrong with me and Tum Haseen Main Jawaan? If only I knew! I suppose it's a mood thing. I watched this film in two bits and during both times I just wasn't feeling it. I wanted to see a fun Hema/Dharam masala but this wasn't hitting the right buttons, the ones their films such as Jugnu, Seeta Aur Geeta, hell even the not-that-amazing films like Patthar Aur Payal and Shafarat had done. The comedy felt like really tired slapstick, the chemistry between Dharam and Hema was merely okay, the songs worked but didn't excite.. Sigh.

This film really ought to be more entertaining than it ends up being. It takes an hour for our leads to meet, and none of the build up is worth it. Everything is so goofball it essentially becomes grating. And I like goofball comedy! So annoying.

Either this movie really was lame or then I need to go see a doctor.

It's always a puzzle to me why I don't gel with certain movies. Sometimes it's as clear as the day; I don't need to pick apart my viewing experience of Tum Chor Main Sipahi to know that movie is garbage. Other times, it's a very specific problem with an otherwise okay film - Kal Ho Naa Ho I would like a lot if it wasn't for certain actions and motivations of the characters. And then there are films like this, which I might've liked, had I been on a different mood, had I watched it at a different time in my filmi-watching career.
Onwards and upwards.
Veracious, Hema Malini is amazing and is that blue tin-foil she is wearing on her head in your first photo? Though she is so lovely that she even looks good in that!!
This really wasnt one of Dharam-Hema's better efforts (my favorite is Raja Jani). The story was fun enough, but I HATED the comedy and not just the cross-dressing part (which I must admit, I've never liked, not even in Some Like It Hot). Plus, how weird is it that when Hema looks lovely, Dharam ignores her, and when she dresses up in hideous tin foil and blue-duster-for-hairpiece, he is smitten! Dharam seriously needed to get his eyes examined after this film.
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